


Type : Short Communication

Constraints Perceived by Women Veterinarians to Render their Services at Field Level in Telangana State

Ganji Manisha, R.S. Suman, B.P. Singh and Shyam Sundar Pawale


The research addresses the underexplored challenges faced by women field veterinarians in Telangana, India. To comprehensively assess the multifaceted challenges experienced by women field veterinarians in Telangana State. The research was conducted in 2020-2021 during the COVID period, 182 women veterinarians with a minimum of four years of experience were selected as a sample. Employing the Henry Garrett ranking method. The research reveals significant challenges, such as inadequate transportation facilities, shortage of trained extension workers, and irregular medicine supply. These findings underline the need for targeted interventions to address these constraints and enhance the effectiveness of women field veterinarians in the region.

Keyword: Women veterinarians; Livestock sector; Regional context; Constraints analysis.

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