1&2. Website and about the journal
The Indian Research Journal of Extension Education (IRJEE) is the official refereed publication of the Society for Extension Education Agra (SEE). The journal is published in both print and online versions. [Print ISSN: 0972-2181; Online ISSN: 0976-1071]. It is a multidisciplinary journal that publishes scientific articles concerned with all aspects of extension science in general and agriculture as well as allied extension education in particular to enhance the research acumen and knowledge base of extension science for upliftment of rural society on multidimensional perspectives. The journal is peer reviewed and committed to timely publication of original research and reviewed articles. The journal is designed mainly to serve researchers, dealing with extension research. For publication in the IRJEE, the article must pass the IRJEE's double blind, refereed process, where peer reviewers evaluate manuscript content and ensure readability. Reviewers are selected from the SEE membership and extended family of researchers. In the double-blind referee process, all references to authors are removed before the manuscript is sent to reviewers. Articles should relate to current or emerging issues, cite appropriate literature, and develop implications for different dimensions of extension science. Articles can be focused in one of three contexts – Empirical Research, Methodological or Theoretical/Conceptual. Manuscripts, or portions of manuscripts, must not have been published or be under consideration for publication by another journal. The journal is published regularly since 2001, with distribution to libraries of universities, research centres, researchers in extension science, agriculture science and other allied sciences.
3. Peer review process
Scholarly manuscripts are reviewed by at least two reviewers who will provide recommendations to the journal editor for publication. Reviewers' comments are made available to authors. If revisions are recommended, authors are strongly encouraged to revise the paper accordingly and note in detail how each suggestion was addressed in a separate attachment. Reviewers are selected from the SEE membership and extended family of researchers from the disciplines. In the double-blind referee process, all references to authors are removed before the manuscript is sent to reviewers.
4. Ownership and Management
IRJEE is owned by ‘Society of Extension Education. The journal is managed by a dedicated team of staff under the guidance of the editorial and executive board. For more information –
On the editorial board, please visit - https://www.seea.org.in/irjee/editorial-board
On the executive board, please visit-https://www.seea.org.in/about/office-bearers
5 & 6. Governing body & Editorial team
The governing body is the journal's editorial board. The full names and affiliations, contact information of the journal’s editors are displayed on the Editorial board tab of the journal homepage.
On the editorial board, please visit - https://www.seea.org.in/irjee/editorial-board
7. Copyright and licensing
i) Copyright policy
Copyrights of all published articles are owned by the concerned authors.
ii) Licensing information
This is an open-access journal, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited for non-commercial purpose. The publications by Indian Research Journal of Extension Education are freely available to copy, distribute, transmit and adapt, provide the original work and source is appropriately cited.
iii) Deposit policy
According to the deposit policy (self-archiving policy), authors cannot archive pre-print (i.e. pre-refereeing), but they can archive post-print (i.e. final draft post-refereeing). Authors can archive publisher's version/PDF.
8. Author fees
There are no submission charges however; authors are required to pay the Society of Extension Education, Agra membership fee for publishing their articles. All the authors must be the member of the Society. Authors are required to make payment only after their manuscript has been accepted for publication.
9. Process for the identification of and dealing with allegations of research misconduct
When research ethics violations occur, the Editorial Board decides a disciplinary measure. The resolving process will follow the flowchart provided by the COPE (http://publicationethics.org/resources/flowchart).
(1) If duplicate or divided publication or any other ethical violation was confirmed, manuscripts even if already published will be retracted with a notice published in the next issue, as well as to related academic institutions.
(2) Retraction notice take same form as the general thesis and not take a form like announcement.
(3) Author who violates this policy or general ethics cannot submit to IRJEE for next two years.
10. Publication ethics
IRJEE follows the publication ethics and publication malpractice statement on the Code of Conduct and Best-Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors (Committee on Publication Ethics, 2011). Our publication ethics are displayed on the Publication ethics and malpractice statement tab of journal. (https://www.seea.org.in/irjee/publication-ethics-and-malpractice-statement).
11. Publishing schedule
At present, IRJEE is published quarterly i.e. January, April, July and October in the year. Also, the special issue of IRJEE is published occasionally on the basis of the need.
12. Access
This is an open access journal which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. The publications by Indian Research Journal of Extension Education are freely available to copy, distribute, transmit and adapt, provide the original work and source is appropriately cited.
13. Archiving
It is easily accessible without barrier from Archive section of journal (https://seea.org.in/archive)
14. Revenue sources
Indian Research Journal of Extension Education is an Open Access, self-supporting journal and do not receive any funding from any institution/government. The operation of the journal is only financed by the handling fees received from authors, members and institutional members of Society of Extension Education, Agra. The handling fees are required to meet the maintenance of the journal. All articles published by the journal are freely accessible over the internet.
15. Advertising
IRJEE does not accept any form of advertising and sponsorship for its printed journal.
16. Direct marketing
Journal propagation has been done through the journal website. The journal has been provided to the authors and the institutional members.